How To Figure Out Your Colours

In a recent episode of the Tailoring Talk Podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Parker Harris, and the conversation led to an intriguing topic related to personal image and style. This blog post delves into the nuances of choosing the right colours for your wardrobe, a question raised by Parker and answered with the expertise of Roberto Revilla.

Parker's Query:

Deciding on the Right Colours Parker expressed his curiosity about how one determines their ideal colour palette. This is a common conundrum in the realm of personal style, often leading individuals to seek guidance from colour professionals. However, the real challenge lies in selecting colours that not only complement your complexion but also resonate with your personality and lifestyle.

Roberto Revilla's Approach to Colour Selection:

Roberto's method transcends the conventional approach of assigning colours based on skin undertones. He emphasizes understanding an individual’s personality – introverted or extroverted tendencies, the impression they wish to create, and their social environment. This holistic analysis informs a more personalized colour palette, tailored to each individual.

Understanding Skin Undertones:

A Basic Rule A fundamental aspect in determining your colours is understanding your skin's undertone, which is generally categorized as either yellow or blue. This distinction helps in aligning your colours with the seasons – those with blue undertones suit colours reminiscent of fall and winter, while those with yellow undertones shine in spring and summer hues.

Colour Inspiration from Nature:

Roberto advises drawing inspiration from nature when combining colours. The harmonious blend of colours in natural scenery – like the juxtaposition of red bricks, green trees, rust leaves, and the blue sky – can guide your outfit choices. This approach ensures that the colours you wear not only complement each other but also resonate with natural aesthetics.

Practical Application: Case Study

As an example, Roberto refers to the outfit he was wearing during the podcast – a combination of greens, whites, and other tones that emulate the colours of a rose. This blend demonstrates how nature-inspired palettes can enhance personal style.

Embracing Your Unique Colour Palette Determining your colours is not just about adhering to rules; it's about embracing a palette that reflects your personality, complements your skin tone, and fits your lifestyle. Whether you're a 'cool winter' like Parker's wife or have a different palette, understanding and embracing your unique colours can significantly elevate your personal style.


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