Why Do People Monogram Their Shirts?

Why Do People Monogram Their Shirts?

The use of monograms on shirts dates back centuries.

Monograms were originally placed on men’s shirts for identification when sending them for cleaning. Traditionally, men only wore a white or blue dress-shirt which could easily get mixed up when taken to the cleaner. A monogram on the shirt ensured it found its way back to its proper owner.

The monogram wasn't meant to be a status symbol so was placed on the front waist of the shirt where it was hidden; traditionally businessmen never removed their jackets, and would always button them up when standing.

Today, monograms on shirts are a popular way for individuals to add a personal touch to their wardrobe. They can tell people who spot your monogram that your shirt is custom made.

It’s most commonly placed either on the left waist, as in the past, or on the left cuff. The reason we place on the left cuff rather than the right is because we normally shake hands with the right, it avoids “shoving the monogram in someone’s face” and coming across as ostentatious. First impressions count after all!


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