The Best James Bond - Personal Favourites

Tailoring Talk Magazine Podcast hosts Jon, Alex & Roberto pick their favourite 007

From The Tailoring Talk Magazine: The Best James Bond Ever - TTM Hosts Pick Their Favourite 007, Dec 28, 2024

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Roberto Revilla : “The big one, who was your favorite James Bond? Of all of the James Bonds that we have seen? Alex.

Alex Hansford : You have to come to me first, don't you? Great. I'm going to put in a couple...Do you want just my first one?

RR: You can talk around it if you want to. You don't just have to say it and move on.

AH: Pierce Brosnan is my favourite Bond.

It's one of those things that's ... surprised me a little bit, because actually not all of his films were particularly strong. While technically Craig is better, I just smiled more with Brosnan, because what he worked on was just a little bit lighter.

And he didn't have the smarmy quips of Roger Moore that felt really creepy. Instead, his one-liners were actually quite sharp and kind of, yeah, I like it. And it was just the age that was my Bond.

I just don't think I could change that. Yeah.”

Jon Evans: “I have a fondness for the Craig, the Craigmeister, and he is probably the best dressed Bond. We'll talk about that later on.

I do feel that my soft spot, for exactly the opposite reasons that Alex said, is for Roger Moore. I think because I grew up with him, he was my Bond, and he just strikes me as the closest to being Bond in real life as an actor, as he was on screen. I think if we maybe review an upcoming film about Roger Moore, From Roger Moore with Love, I think we'll find out what a nice chap he was in the background, but also how he essentially became Bond in his real life as well.

I think I liked his smarmy quips. I thought they sat really well with his character. Yes, he was of his time, and the disparity between his age and some of the Bond girls became more and more alarming over time.

Again, not an unfamiliar theme with the Bond franchise anyway. I just thought, Bobby and I both read his biographies, and I read the diaries of the Live and Let Die diaries. He's just a genuinely nice guy who may have played the field a bit in his youth, but everyone who talks about him says he's the nicest guy you can meet.

For me, he typifies the old school Bond. I think when we talk about what's next, we're never going to go back to that. So he's almost kind of like a moment in time as well.

So he's my Bond. Bobby, how about you?”

RR: “Yeah, so it's a really tricky one because I think each of them did such a great job in their own right. Even George Lazenby, who splits opinion. But I think for someone who had no acting experience whatsoever, he did such a great job.

I'm really always torn when asked this question between Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan because Pierce Brosnan was my first Bond in that I saw Goldeneye in the cinema. It was the first film that I saw in the cinema and I saw all the Brosnan's films in the movie theater because I just hit that right sort of age, late teens, you know, I was able to kind of go to the cinema and see whatever I wanted on my own. But then Roger Moore always holds that special place in my heart because he was James Bond.”

“When I was growing up, it was the dodgy VHS tapes that my uncle used to bring around to their house just to keep me occupied and I would just sit there just absolutely enthralled by Jaws and all the antics between him and Roger Moore's bond in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker and then later on Octopussy was another film that really captured little six, seven year old me's imagination. So I'd have to say Roger Moore for sentimentality probably edges it, but I want to give a special mention to Sean Connery because before we did the Bondathon, I hadn't really seen any of his films. So I didn't, I couldn't really comment when you had a lot of older people saying Sean Connery is the best Bond, like no question, but he was great.

And as we'll see later on, one of his films is my favourite ever Bond film. And part of that is his portrayal of the character in that particular movie. But yeah, but I think just edging out Pierce Brosnan and I've got to give my favourite Bond to Roger Moore.

And yeah, God rest his soul as well. I have read his memoirs and also just having seen the footage of him when he first played Bond in a comedy skit. I've told you guys about this.”

JE: “Was that in his Saint days?”

RR: “It was, I think he was doing the same when he was asked to do that sort of comedy skit about James Bond being on holiday. And bumping in to a Russian spy. But yeah, he was destined to play that role.

And for most of his tenure, he did such a great consistent job as well. I think very underrated as an actor. But yeah, Roger Moore closely edging out Pierce Brosnan for me.

So there we go. Getting emotional.


Special mention obviously to Timothy Doughton. Did an amazing job with the two films that he had. And it was a shame that he didn't get his third.

And obviously Daniel Craig, who just gave everything that he could to the role. You know, I think every single Bond was great for their time, for the time that they had it.”

JE: There's not a franchise like this, is there? In any other way that has so many strong, unique Bonds in their own ways. Wow.

Which is probably why they're having such a problem in appointing the next Bond.

RR: Yeah. It's whatever people say about Daniel Craig, he's going to be such a tough act to follow. You know, he did a great job following on from Pierce Brosnan and he really made it his own.

I mean, for his tenure, you didn't really think so much. You didn't really compare him to previous bonds. I think maybe the biggest comparison was between Daniel Craig and Sean Connery, which is testament to the job that he did.

JE: He's a good actor, keep an eye out for him. I think he's going to be Oscar material for his new film, William Burroughs' film, Queer, which I've seen a trailer for and looks amazing, but it depends whether it appeals to the mass market because it's not an easy film to watch. It's quite an unusual film.

We'll see what happens. But great, look at the range he's got. He's got quite a range, hasn't he?”

RR: That's the thing. He was an amazing actor and he'd done amazing work before Bond. But he carried on doing amazing work in between Bond movies.

So yeah, so definitely high marks to him. But that wasn't the question. And the question was, who's your favorite?

And yeah, Roger Moore just edges out, Pierce Brosnan. So there we go.”

From The Tailoring Talk Magazine: The Best James Bond Ever - TTM Hosts Pick Their Favourite 007, Dec 28, 2024

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