How To Sort Out Your Wardrobe In 4 Easy Steps

As we are now into the 4th month of lockdown (or is it 5? I’ve seriously lost count), I’m starting to receive requests for help from clients fed up with the mess that is their wardrobes. It’s especially more noticeable now so many of us are working from home - I include myself in the category of “fed up of walking past / wading through a disorganised mess”!

So when looking at the daunting task of de-cluttering and re-organising, we have to keep things simple. While you’re still at home every day this is the ideal time to get this annoying task off of your to-do list. After all, permanent working from home is not going to be forever and wouldn’t it be great to be organised when you do go back to the office?

Our homes are meant to be our sanctuary from work - and when was the last time you entered any kind of sanctuary that looked like a bomb had hit it? Yeah, me neither.

So without further ado, here are my 4 easy steps to get that wardrobe sorted (and this isn’t just for the guys, feel free to share with your partner too (at your own risk)): -

  1. Items you have not worn for 18 months or more need to go, your wardrobe is not a display cabinet (black bag labelled “Charity”).

  2. Items that are showing real signs of wear & tear need to go (black bag labelled “BIN”).

  3. Items that you LOVE (and I mean LOVE, really really LOVE… get the message?) but you haven’t worn maybe due to a fit issue. Put these aside so your amazing tailor (that’s me BTW) can review them & see if we can adjust.

  4. If you’ve followed 1-3 you should now be left only with items you LOVE. These can then be organised by “business”, “smart casual” or “I’m not seeing anyone today casual”.

I use this cheat sheet for every section of the bedroom/dressing room - so my wardrobes and then each draw that I have clothes stashed in. Go to each section, pull everything out on the bed. So for example take a draw and empty it out, or open a wardrobe door and take everything off the rail. Then proceed to put everything back, checking it against the list above.

I really hope you find this useful - let me know in the comments below! Also feel free to add any ideas of your own, or things you do to make this usually not very nice task a little easier.

Don’t forget you can also book a video call or in person (at home) appointment with me to help you with getting your wardrobes / dressing rooms organised, drop me a line, call me or hit the Book An Appointment button through out this site!


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