Confidence-Boosting Tips For Modern Men

According to Modern Salon, the average male has insecurities about the way they look. In fact, around 78% of millennial-era men are self-conscious about their appearance.  Roberto Revilla understands the struggle of how clothing can affect a person’s self-confidence. In today’s post, the entrepreneur, businessman, and men’s fashion maven shares a few tips on how men can boost their confidence with style.

Fashion Forward

While no two people will share the exact same sense of fashion, one thing is universal. That is, that attractive clothing can lead us to having more positive feelings about ourselves. Think about it this way: if you go to work in sweatpants, you may not feel as professional as you do when you’re wearing something more appropriate for a business setting.

A few core pieces that men can keep in their closets all the time that will enhance confidence and self-image include things like:

●     Custom shoes. Handcrafted footwear may include loafers, sneakers, or boots, and are made from quality hand-picked materials and designed to fit a specific foot. Wearing custom shoes is not only stylish, but it may also be the most comfortable option, particularly for men that don’t want to sacrifice comfort for style.

●     Shirts and ties. Collared shirts and neckties can help pull together an outfit. Plus, as a man, you probably don’t wear jewelry, patterned leggings, or graphic T-shirts to work, so your tie can showcase your interests and personality.

●     A suit. A suit can be worn everywhere, from a wedding to a funeral to a fancy first date or a job interview. When you’re first starting out as a post-university graduate, you can probably get by with an off-the-rack suit. However, as you get older, you’ll find that a bespoke option is better suited to your personality and to the types of events you might attend.

More Than What You Wear

Once you get your wardrobe fully functional, you may find that you have more confidence overall. This might lead you to make other changes to your home and work or personal lives. A few great ways that your clothing might change your life include:

●     Making a career change. When you wear your confidence on the outside, you may finally find the confidence on the inside to step away from a career you hate and start your own business. Even if you’re already in your 50s or 60s, you can absolutely become your own boss. A quick word of advice here is to have an exit plan in place, especially if your new job requires technology or equipment or if many people rely on you.

●     Updating your home. Updating your wardrobe might lead you to make more positive changes at home, too. When you wear something you love, you may be less inclined to be hostile or irritable with those that live in your home. However, if everyone is a bit tense, consider cleaning and de-cluttering, opening the windows, and making a few changes to your home decor that leave everyone feeling better about their environment.

As men, we are expected to exude confidence in all that we do. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and looking and feeling like the best version of yourself is a positive attribute that many people aspire their entire lives to gain and maintain. Something as simple as investing in a bespoke pair of shoes or custom-made suit can help you keep your head up high and maybe encourage you to make other changes, like starting your own business or addressing your home the way you want to live just as you’ve dressed your body the way you want to present yourself.

Written by Elena Stewart for Roberto Revilla London




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