6 Ways to Put Self-Care First as an Entrepreneur

by Elena Stewart (estewart@elenastewart.com)

When you’re running a business, you might feel like every minute of your day is booked up. But if you want to thrive as an entrepreneur, you need to incorporate regular self-care breaks into your schedule. By creating a wardrobe for all occasions with Roberto Revilla, shifting your mindset regarding failure, and implementing some time-saving strategies into your day, you’ll be able to prioritize self-care! Here are some workable tips to help you get it all done.

Reframe Setbacks

Perhaps your mental health has been suffering because you recently invested in a business idea that simply didn’t work out. Maybe you launched a new product that barely sold, or you began offering a service that garnered little interest from your audience.

Remember, one misstep doesn’t make you a failure. Try to reframe your perspective on failure and view these mistakes as learning opportunities instead. You can also recalibrate your business objectives and set realistic goals for yourself. Forgiving yourself is a key aspect of self-care!

Save Time on Processes 

You might feel exhausted and stressed because you’re working long hours. Finding ways to save time throughout the workday can free up opportunities to relax. For instance, The Receptionist recommends looking into software solutions for project management, accounting, and marketing, as well as delegating or outsourcing time-consuming tasks.

You can also start sharing documents as PDFs to communicate with your team members and clients more efficiently. This also prevents formatting issues that can bog down file transfers. To help you join multiple PDFs and avoid the time sink that comes with sending lots of files at once, use a PDF merging tool to combine related documents.

Try Home Workouts

Do you struggle to get to the gym during busy weeks? Working out at home might be the answer to your scheduling woes! To make the most of your home workouts, Live Fit recommends putting on a high-energy playlist, doing short, high-intensity interval training, and keeping a big bottle of water by your side so that you don’t get dehydrated.

Unplug During Downtime

When you’ve completed your to-do list for the day, you may be tempted to spend your spare time getting ahead on other projects. Instead, you should allow yourself to unplug once you’ve wrapped up your necessary tasks. As a business owner, it’s true that you can always find something else to work on - but you need to let yourself step away from your laptop so that you can truly relax and recharge. Turn off your notifications after business hours whenever possible!

Curate a Cozy Wardrobe

Do you ever wake up, start working immediately, and end up spending the day in your pajamas or sweatpants? To feel comfortable and productive, assemble a cozy wardrobe that includes outfits for work-from-home days as well as ensembles for business meetings or projects that take you away from home. You can find perfect business-casual outfits from modern designers like Roberto Revilla. You can also look for classy loungewear so that you’ll look professional even when you’re working from home!

Take Mindfulness Breaks

Finally, it doesn’t hurt to take regular mindfulness breaks throughout your day. You can step away from your laptop to meditate for a few minutes, or stretch out and do a few yoga poses. This can help you relieve the aches and pains that occur from working at a desk.

You might feel like if you’re not on the edge of burnout, you’re not working hard enough to build your business. But if you’re not practicing self-care, you’ll realize that you can’t run on fumes forever. By curating a comfortable wardrobe, using time-saving tools, and finding value in your mistakes, you can move forward confidently as an entrepreneur. 

Want to upgrade your business wardrobe? Turn to Roberto Revilla! Browse our lookbook online today and start shopping.

Words by Elena Stewart ( estewart@elenastewart.com )

Elena Stewart is a certified life coach specialising in the teachings of Brené Brown, Danielle LaPorte, and Marie Forleo. Through one-on-one coaching sessions and career mentoring, she helps women (and men!) like yourself jumpstart their careers. Are you ready to reach your full potential? If so, get in touch with her today!


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